-Paul Gauguin

I was watching a most interesting episode of "What Not to Wear"--you know, the fashion friendly, drug-free version of "Intervention" on TLC? This eps. was interesting because the abuser was in fact a producer of runway shows. You know, the person in charge of making sure it all looks good? Calls the shots, translates the vision, relays the tone and tempo for the designers--? She is the one at the center of it all! Who--not only sees first hand, but coordinates the ebb and flow of progressive style!?!

The argument is always the same--"I work all the time," "I have kids," "I can't create a look to save myself. From that show,"-- and what happened with her isn't any different, as she lost sight of herself and focused on what works for others.
I want you, then, to go shopping for someone else. (Hey, I do it for you all the time:) One of my girlfriends used to say "That looks like you," which is the best and sweetest compliment, and I in turn offer it to others. Problem is, everyone has worked it against me! "Oh, that looks like you," as if they cannot see themselves in commendable style. Be it here or in the stores, I want you to create three looks for three different models:

2) the Woman who makes the toughest job look easy (aka "Stacey's Mom" as, she "has got it goin' on")
3) the Woman that gets all the looks. But not ones that get you on that show.
I want you to close your eyes and imagine the prototype of what these women look like.
Now show me.
(Note: some of you may be thinking 'But I wear two or more of those hats' which should be any combination of #3. Bravo! Then, just as you would in those roles, you should be attempting to master equal parts.)
There are no wrong answers! Stacy London said it herself in effort to encourage the producer to pick what she had in mind for her runway models: "Style is all about trying and failing." If this is true, you are hearing it from the biggest losers! The key is to move you to think outside yourself. To see what others see and to feel your way through it. Check out my style book for tips and refreshers; while there are no wrong answers, try to guide your looks according to earlier options I have provided. And remember, as long as you are any combination of number three, then the show is not about you. Now close your eyes and see! But feel free to sing along.