
Ghost Buster

My mother and I have been at odds over a ceiling fan. It works when it wants to. We have had several people look at it. Re-place, re-wire--some professional, some not. I find it is the problem of whomever put it in. "Call them to come fix it!!" I shout. "I can't," she says slowly to level the tension. "They've done everything. What ceiling fan has a ghost???" And that is how our argument ends. (Note: that is how most of our arguments end--mom digs deep, I'm telling you.)
But, she is not wrong. My blood, sweat and tears post that disappeared?? Has a ghost!! This is it! It is amongst us! I am posting what remained of that fateful moment: a Maria Elena inspired look to work these next early days of spring. And am now off to call an exorcist.

1 comment:

  1. I would have sworn that octopus necklace was Alex + Chloe!
