
Shvitzing to the oldies (but goodies)

On the evening of Friday, May 8th, between the hours of 6 and 9 P.M., three men separately approached me to say "I really like your shoes."

Now, that may or may not come as a surprise to you, but it did me, especially given the details of the first approach. I stepped outside The Chat Room to better hear an important call--whoa, hold the phone. The weather of the past week has retained a mortifying 90% humidity, and when I say mortifying, I mean, it's been funky. (At one point, I thought 'I'm going to make my clean-but-it-looks-greasy-anyway hair look good...this (has to be)--the--look of the moment,'-- just to make myself feel better.) So, here I am, no where to go but outdoors, instantly sopping wet head to toe; the thick air choking my face, my body, my lungs. There was one other person on the patio (by choice!) and I tried to distance myself to minimize humiliation. (Girls don't sweat, right?) I even ended up using the cocktail napkins I had been furiously taking notes on to soak the stagnant pools off my face; it was that bad. I could see the guy leaving, thankful I would soon be shvitzing alone, when he yelled toward the corner I kept myself in "I really like your shoes." I gave him a little nod and a wave given the total situation, when he continued "They are really awesome. I've not seen those before..."

Now, I don't know how one overlooks their own sweaty feet, but I have never received a more unexpected compliment, much less three, from three men, within three hours....which leads me to discuss this article: "How to wear 'new trends". I knew something other than the humidity was up and that would be adjectives: "The 'new' gladiator sandal, the 'new' biker jacket..." I'll admit, I had a hard time throwing down for the 'new' gladiators when the 'old' ones I had were just fine! But I think above and beyond the parts of speech, the point is these guys noticed something different. Thing is, there really is nothing different when it comes to style for the next few months: it's just new, which means something, to someone, be it you or three blind men. Refresh your wardrobe with these hot updates given *humid conditions.
*Note: I like the sample sentence offered on dictionary.com: "It's not the heat, it's the humidity that tires me out."

P.S--I am really diggin' the writers for the Times' Style online. Check out "The Statement Dress" article. The first paragraph should sound familiar...and I had no luck finding a picture of the show stopper shoes. Guess you'll just have to trust me.


  1. Those Rocha pumps are the best substitutes for our favorite Manolos I have ever seen!! YAY!

  2. My verification word was "slutios"... nice.
