
I get it from my momma

I better kick a shout out to my mom.
I'll be honest, we are not the most 'serious' women. If, when reading my blog, you have noticed much ends with a 'bada bing' or rimshot, believe that is characteristic of my relationship with my mother. Sure we can have serious conversation--well, like one time, things got a little heated when I argued the importance of quirky manners. "I don't understand saying "Bless you" when someone sneezes. I mean, there is no weight in the actual words. I'm just making you feel better by saying it! And if I don't say anything, then I'm 'rude'!" She said "You do it. You just...do it!" I continued my rave on faux courtesy and the time spent making people feel better, dissatisfied with her "just do it" defense. We split the room (well, our arguments did), she off to the living room, I getting myself together; a partition apart and disagreement in the air.
One minute later, I heard "achoo" within earshot.
I forced a caustic but genuine "Bless you Mother!"
She thanked me in equal tone.
And then we laughed in harmony.
So we disagree over 'things that don't matter', but there is plenty in which we agree. My mom has never questioned my sense of style which in turn has allowed me to be daringly unique and independently confident. No, she didn't create Nike but she did make me who I am.
Here's to all the Mothers who just do it!

I love you mom, my fair lady.

1 comment:

  1. Confession...

    I had to Google "rimshot"... I thought it meant something ENTIRELY different.
