

"Good evening, and welcome to the last post of 2011."

Ha! How timely is that?!

Aight, so, yesterday, I realized I need to write some mo'. Some people have told me I need to write some mo'--er, I might have even made that up in my own mind as well, but from what I understand,
1. You just gotta do it,
2. Practice makes for better posts,
3. I think we spend entirely too much time making others happy when, when we ourselves are happy and satisfied, so is your whole world bc they don't have to deal w your 'un-happy' shit.

At times, I've racked my little brain over "What do my two RANDOM readers (and two best friends who read:) want to see when they Stumble Upon my blog??" Most likely they are looking for a specific outfit, outing, dress or address to a dress, and sometimes I realize/remember 'I can do that! I can so do that!' And that makes me happy.
I'm looking to speak to a specific reader, and if that ain't you, gettastepin'.

Now, what do I talk about now that I cleared the room...?
Oh, yeah! And if you don't step like this, ---that's cool.

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