"I read with every broken heart, we should become more adventurous..."
-Rilo Kiley, "More Adventurous"
I'm not in love. Haven't been for a long time.
I remember, one time, being in love. Or thinking I was. And talking it over with my Heidi, or not, as we sat in silence debating the trivialization of it all.
She finally broke the silence and made the most sense one could make of unrequited love: "Loving someone is a compliment."
There may or may not have been more to it, but that single statement has stuck with me ever since. Sure, we can do the whole "Everything happens for a reason," or even "Love will find a way..." but when I think back to the situation, in all it's good and bad, I realize that that journey was an adventure.
I don't regret 'complimenting' anyone, or any others, but I do regret not becoming more adventurous ever since.
You should know I am making a great move, literally, in order to do so. No, I am not chasing it, or running from it, but rather looking to love it. More.